1. About Tomk.se
  • The company has it's base in Tjörnarp, Sweden. The address of the company is Sjöberga 303, 243 73 Tjörnarp
  • Organization number: 910430-1677
  • If you wish to contact us, send us an e-mail to info@tomk.se med your matter and your contact information and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
  1. Orders
  • Once you have completed your order we will send a confirmation to your e-mail. In the confirmation you will find all information on the product, price, billing and delivery address.
  • If something in the confirmation is incorrect please contact us immediately through e-mail; info@tomk.se
  1. Delivery
  • Our normal time of delivery is between 1-10 days. NOTE! Orders on weekends will be sent at the earliest the following Monday.
  • If delays in the delivery should occur (without us notifying you of a longer time of delivery) contact us immediately via e-mail: info@tomk.se
  1. Prices
  • All prices are displayed in SEK and all prices include 25 % sales tax.
  • We reserve ourselves for changes in prices caused by changes in prices of suppliers, missprints in the price list as well as inaccuracies in prices caused by inaccurate information and reserve the right to change these.
  1. Right to withdraw
  • When purchasing products at this site, you as a customer have the legal right to withdraw your purchase within 14 days. This period starts when you have recieved the ordered product.

    5.1 When using the right to withdraw
  • You have to notify that you want to withdraw. The message should be sent to info@tomk.se. In your mail you should include your name, address, e-mail, your order number and what products you are returning.
  • You should return the products to us immediately or at the latest within 14 days of your message of your withdrawal.
  • You are responsible for return shipping, delivery and the state of the products until they arrive. The products should be sent well packaged and in their original packaging.
  • When refunding your purchase we reserve the right to deduct possible reductions in value (due to use of or damage to the product) from the refund.

    5.2 The right to withdraw does not apply when:
  • Products have, due to reason of health and hygiene, been sealed and that seal has been broken by you.
  • Products with characteristics of sealed audio and video recording and that seal has been broken by you.
  • Specially made products have been tailored specifically to you and has an apparent personal touch according to your requests.
  • Services which have been completed and where you have expressed consent to the service being initiated.
  • Products that can quickly deteriorate, such as eatables.
  • Single issues of magazines or journals.

    For more about the legal right to withdraw, click here.
  1. Complaints
  • We inspect all products before they are sent to you. Should the product be damaged or wrongly inspected when it arrived we will arrange to fix the issue, free of cost, in accordance with consumer protective legislation.
  • You always have to contact us for a confirmation before you return a defective product.
  • The complaint needs to be sent immediately upon discovery of the defect.

    6.1 How do you make a complaint?
  • Eventual issues and defects should always complained to info@tomk.se where you leave your name, address, e-mail, order number and a description of the issue.
  • If we can't fix the issue or send you a similar product, we will repay you for the defective product in accordance with consumer protective legislation. We will pay for return shipping when a complaint has been confirmed.
  • We reserve the right to deny a complaint if it turns out that the product is not defective in accordance to current consumer protective legislation. When dealing with complaints, we follow guide lines set by Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden, se arn.se.
  1. Limitation of liability
  • We take no responsability for any indirect injuries which may occur because of the product.
  • We accept no responsability for delays/issues following circumstances outside of the control of the company (Force Majeure). These circumstances could be for example working conflicts, fires, war, government decisions, reduced or non existent delivery.
  • Further, we take no responsability for eventual changes in the product or it's properties which may have been altered by the suppliers or other factors out of our control.
  1. Product information
  • We reserve ourselves for eventual missprints on this website aswell as the possibility of being sold out. We do not guarantee that the pictures represent the exact appearence of the product as certain differences in colour can occur depending on the screen, quality of the photo and the resolution. We always try to portray the products as accurately as possible.
  1. Information about Cookies
  • According to law regarding electronic information, visitors at a website shall recieve information about how cookies will be used for purpose of integrity. The information about cookies can be used to follow how a user behaves at the site. A cookie is a text file that the site you are visiting wants to save to your computer to be able to access different functions. It is possible to set up your browser to automatically deny cookies. More information can be found at Post och telestyrelsens website.
  1. Personal data
  • By shopping at Tomk.se you accept our data protection policy and us handling your personal data. We care about your personal integrity and do not collect more data than is neccessary to process your order. We never sell or give out your personal data to third parties without legal basis for it.
  • Tomk.se is responsible for handling personal data which you have given us as a customer. Your personal data is used by us to be able to process your order aswell as when you have wished to recieve news letters or promotional offers - to be able to customize marketing to your personal needs.
  • Below is information on how we act according to dataskyddsförordningen and store and handle your data
  • 10.1 What is a personal data?
    Personal data is a information which can directly or indirectly be traced to a physical person.
  • 10.2 What personal data do we store?
    To be able to handle your order aswell as answer questions related to your order (customer service) we store first-and lastname, address, phone number, e-mail, ip-address and purchase history.
  • Your data is being stored as long as we have a legal basis for handling your data, for example to fulfill our contract with you or to live up to legal obligations such as bokföringslagen.
  • 10.3 Legal basis
    In conjunction with a purchase your personal data is handled to be able to fulfill our contract with you.
    Marketing, promotional offers or similar contact will be done in agreement with you.
  • 10.4 What data will be shared and with what purpose?
    10.4.1 Payment supplier
  • When completing a purchase, information will be shared with our payment supplier. Data that is being stored include: first-and lastname, address, e-mail and phone number. If you choose billing as payment method your social security number will be stored at the payment supplier aswell. The information will be saved to be able to complete the purchase and protect both parties from fraud.
    De betalleverantörer (betaltjänster) som vi använder oss av är: Swedbank Pay.
  • 10.4.2 Shipping company
    To be able to deliver your order and complete our contract with you we need to share specific information with the shipping company. The data that is being shared with the shipping company is: first-and lastname and delivery address. E-mail and/or phone number may also be shared with the shipping company to notify you.
    The shipping companies we use are: DHL
  • 10.4.3 Newsletter
    If you have chosen to subscribe to our newsletter your first-and lastname and e-mail will be shared with our newsletter supplier. This is done to keep you updated with information and offers for marketing purposes.
    Vi använder för utskick av nyhetsbrev.
  • 10.5 Your right to access
    You have the right to get a copy of all your personal data that we are storing. Copies will be delivered electronically in a readable format.
  • 10.6 Your right to correct information
    You have the right to ask us to update incorrect data and supplement data lacking complete information.
  • 10.7 Your right to be forgotten
    You can at any time ask us to delete your personal data we have stored. There are few exceptions to the right to deletion, for example if it needs to be stored in order for us to be able to fulfill a legal obligation (eg. following bokföringslagen)
  • 10.8 The responsible for data protection
    Tomk.se is responsible for storing and handling personal data in the webshop and make sure rules are being followed.
  • 10.9 How we protect your personal data
    We use the standard for the industry such as SSL/TLS and one-way hash-algorithms to store, handle and communicate sensitive information such as personal data and passwords in a safe way.
  1. Changes to the Terms & Conditions
  • We reserve the right to at any moment change the conditions. Changes to these conditions will be published online on this website. The changed conditions will be interpreted as accepted when an order is completed or during visits to the website.
  1. Disputes
  • If a dispute cannot be solved between the customer service of the company and the customer, you as a customer can contact Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden, see arn.se. For residents of a different EU-country other than Sweden you can make a complaint online via the EU-commission's platform for handling disputes, see http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
  • In a dispute we follow the decision set by ARN or similar decision-making body.
  • Disputes regarding the interpretation or implementation of these general conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with Swedish law.
  1. Fakturavillkor
